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Elon musk is an businessman. and he is world's biggest revolutionary person. Elon is cofounder and CEO(chief executive officer) of eight corporation and companies. and also he is the list in of 'world's richest person'. he has three countries citizenship that country is south Africa, America and Canada because he born in south Africa and his mom from Canada and he is living in America for the long time so that's why he has three countries citizenship. Elon musk Favourite alphabet is x that's why he take most of companies name latter starting from x alphabet. He also called by 'Real Life Iron Man'.   


1) ZIP2









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the zip2 is 'Former American Technology Company'. this company was founded in 1995 by Elon musk and his brother kimbal musk. this is the first enterprise was founded by Elon musk. the Elon musk wanted to be this company CEO but company employees are not allow this to Elon musk. and Elon musk has 7% shares in this company. this company was provided a searchable business directory that could be described as an internet version of the yellow pages telephone directory with maps included.


selling after one month Elon musk first company he started the his second company named '' online financial services and e-mail payment company with investment of  $10 million dollar. all doing this things after merging with another company called by confinity. after this focuses only on the money transfer services brought by confinity. after this renamed as paypal in 2001.

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Paypal started in 1999. and Elon musk was the biggest shareholder so he appointed of this company CEO. but the Fricker wanted to be the CEO of paypal. this company initially co-founded by musk and Fricker so that's why Fricker wanted to be the CEO of bot to beat him Elon be the CEO of this company. 


Elon musk has a dream from his birth that he wanted to go in space for this dream surprisingly Elon musk founded spacex in 6 may 2002 and he was the only founder of spacex. and he has a rocket project. so that's why he go in NASA agency. and said them that he has a rocket project and he wanted to NASA will accept his project. but NASA will deny(decline) his project.    

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when NASA deny his rocket project so that's why he wanted to buy a rocket but he found a Russian rocket price too high, in fact Elon musk and his all over team travel in Russia to find some company that allows him to make ballistic misiles. but this deal coudn't be sealed because a one rocket price is $8 million dollar. after this Elon musk started to building rocket from taking books knowledge and he was make his first rocket and the first rocket was Elon musk Lounch but it was unsuccessful but Elon musk will decide to make second rocket and when he Lounch his second rocket and this rocket was fail and he faced the big problem that the $40 million dollar are left and than he have two choices the first choice is 'he use $40 million dollar in spacex and leave tesla' and he decide to choose the second way the second way is that the 'he use $20 million in spacex and $20 million dollar in tesla' and he Prepaire his 3rd rocket and luckily his 3rd rocket will successful and after his 3rd rocket successful the NASA give $1.3 billion dollar project to Elon musk!!!. 


Tesla named inspired by Nikola tesla scientist. The tesla motors founded in July 1, 2003. Tesla motors co-founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpening this company surprisingly not co-founded by Elon musk and the two co-founder of tesla are CEO and CFO of Tesla motors. Eberhard wanted to make core technology thing and make a 'battery car' who works on software and also wanted to make driver less car.

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Musk is have role Roadster. He design the car. tesla motors first prototype car is Roadster. that officially revealed in july 19, 2006. the reason to make roadster Electric car is to save petrol for the future. in may 2006 this model has $40 million dollar investment by google co-founder Sergey Brin and Larry Page. and also ebay president Jeff Skoll invested $47 million dollar in may 2007 and like this tesla has made more prototype like tesla model s, tesla model 3, tesla model x, tesla model y, tesla batteries, and Cybertruck.


Solar city founded in 2006, this company started by two brothers Peter and Lyndon Rive. This company started by suggestion of Elon musk and Cousin they are helped to start the company and the chairman of the company. in rockets, super cars, solar power places installed in 2009 where they capable to generate 440 megawatts (mw) of power.  

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In 2013, the solar city started to installed solar panel in U.S. and solar magazine listed that the solar city is the second company who installed their solar panel in U.S. in high quantity. in 1st August, 2016 tesla announced that they will bye the solar city all stock in $2.6 billion merger(dollar). after this tesla take all shareholders of solar city.


Open AI(artificial intelligent) was founded in 11 December, 2015. and this co-founder is Elon musk, Sam Altman, LLya Sutskaver, Greg Brockman, Wojciech zaremba, John Schulman. basically this is a AI laboratory research consisting. this organization was founded in San Francisco by Elon musk Sam Altman and others.

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This company has investment by Microsoft worth US$1 billion dollar. on 21 February, 2016 tesla's co-founder Elon musk decide that the 'Open AI' was use to making "tesla Ai Development For Self Driving cars". Sam Altman is CEO of Open Ai. Elon musk working on this project for this motive that to sure the future is safe.


Neuralink was founded in July, 2016. And this company founder is Elon musk and eight others. This company headquarters in San Francisco. Elon musk have this Idea from science fiction movie "neural lace". April, 2017 Neuralink announced that they aiming to make a device to for serious brain disease.   

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  Neuralink designing a chip that they insert on human brain and what a human have to learn then they download that file and they learned that thing that means after inserting this chip human can not have to learn something to do they have just download the file what they have to do and then they learn that thing. It's Incredible. According to Elon musk they have made that chip and if we wanted to insert that chip then we have to insert 1000 tungsten-rhenium wires that wires 10x time thinner than the human hair!!!


 The Boring Company founded in 17 December, 2016. the boring company founder is only Elon musk. this is American infrastructure and and Tunnel Construction. the boring company is Elon musk side business was he started but after getting investment he started working on it. and made it real!

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Elon musk announced on his twitter account the Existing of the boring company in December 2016. he said that "the traffic is very suck" and after one hour he said on his twitter account that he gone to make a underground tunnel. than after some time he make a youtube channel named by 'the boring company' and he present his first prototype on youtube. and after this things the boring company idea gonna be famous and everybody like it.